
Mobile phone addiction

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Reports of Ofcom figures on mobile use suggest we are addicted to them, but shouldn’t we question this coverage as misanthropic?

The list of things we supposed to be addicted to seems to be increasingly wide, including shopping, sex, gambling and video games. There isn’t any need to be alarmist about the widespread use of mobile phones, which follows similarly alarmist talk when television was first introduced. Rather than addiction, maybe the explanation is more about keeping up with the fast pace of political change after Brexit and Trump. Perhaps the mobile phone is helping us keep in touch with family and friends rather than it being a barrier to the same.

The mobile phone is more of a mediator in wider social trends like working long hours, commuting long hours and experiencing greater economic security. Rather than Ofcom indicting us for being addicted to mobile phones, maybe they should be less complacent about the patchy infrastructure serving us 4G connections, which in many places is poor or none existent.

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