
Monthly Archives: January 2017

Donald Trump & Trade

The liberal West was protectionist before Trump

Published 31 January 2017

Obama and the EU pursued their own PC-flavoured trade wars before the Donald arrived

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Retail Banking

The future of retail banking

Published 24 January 2017

In retail banking, the elephant in the room is that there simply may not be any left in years to come. More and more people, and not just the young, do their banking online.

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Innovation: then and now

Innovation then – and the challenge now

Published 22 January 2017

In 1965 the debating society at my old school held a parents’ evening in which a debate took place on the motion: ‘The spirit of adventure has been lost’.

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Fragile days of revolution

Published 20 January 2017

As a centenary show at the Royal Academy of Art revives British interest in the design output of Russia after 1917, this review of Nina Lobanov‑Rostovsky, Revolutionary ceramics: Soviet porcelain 1917‑1927 (Studio Vista, 1990) highlights the contribution made by potters

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Problem with US economy

Trade, automation and US decline

Published 19 January 2017

Job losses in US manufacturing can’t simply be put down to China or IT

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Robots aren't taking over. Photo by JUNG YEON-JE/AFP/Getty Images.

The robots aren’t taking over

Published 15 January 2017

The idea that IT is surpassing human beings sells us short

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